For most of us, coffee is the start of another wonderful day, in fact, a study back in 2018 by the national coffee association, 64 percent of Americans will say that they had a cup of coffee yesterday, and while there are side effects of drinking too much coffee like heartburn, upset stomach or even rapid heartbeat the good news is that this beloved drink wether is drip coffee expresso or good old cold brew its healthy. So if you need an excuse to celebrate your daily pick me up here are 6 ways coffee benefits your health.
Health Benefit #1: Coffee could help boost your mood
What many of us intuitively believe of coffee turns out to be true this drink can brighten your day. Researchers aren’t quite sure what’s behind coffee’s uncanny ability to make tackling the day easier. Coffee has been linked to euphoria and happiness. A dietitian also considers coffee as happy juice.
There’s research to support that. Regular coffee consumption. Links to positive emotions. Including pleasure kindness affection friendship calm and even greater happiness. And in that same research. There was no negative emotion. Associated with coffee consumption.
Some studies also show that in women. Regular intake could reduce the risk of depression. And they don’t know exactly why coffee creates this happiness. But they do know that there is an association between coffee and positive mental health. So when it comes to these feel-good benefits. The more coffee the better, up to about five cups a day.
Health Benefit #2: Coffee contains lots of antioxidants
Health Benefit #3: Coffee may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes
Health benefit #4: Coffee is tied to lower rates of many other diseases
Health benefit #5 coffee could help you become a better athlete
Health Benefit #6 It’s not actually dehydrating if your consistent
And if your looking to lose weight just adding this to your cup of coffee could help, click here for more info.