Arabica Vs Robusta Coffee Differences

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Arabica Vs Robusta Coffee Differences – Coffee has become one of the most enjoyable drinks over the years. It has become so popular among very many people nevertheless what people do not get is that there is a variety of coffee beans. What is coffee arabica? Arabica is a variety of coffee, the name comes from Arabic. This variety of coffee comes from futures of complex acidity there for it brings more variations in terms of the taste it produces.

It is one of the most preferred types of coffee in the world. Arabic coffee compared to robusta is expensive. What is coffee Robusta? Robusta coffee is a variety of coffee that is second popular. It has low acidity and a bitter taste. used for instant coffee. And cost less than Arabica coffee. And it is easier to look after during the cultivation process and highlights more resilience against disease and unfavorable weather conditions.

Arabica and Robusta mix is one of the tastiest coffee drinks. And this is because of the blinds of the coffee varieties with each one having its own benefits. Now Differences between the two. Robusta and Arabica are the two most know breeds of coffee. However, these two varieties have their differences. This has made it very important to highlight them.

1. Taste – Arabica has a very sweet taste. This fruity taste is most preferable by most people. Robusta has a woody taste.

2. Caffeine Levels – Arabica is known to have about 1.5 caffeine content while Robusta is known to have about 2.7 percent of caffeine. The Caffeine levels also make the Robusta type suitable for some people. Since Robusta has high caffeine levels it has a bitter taste. And this is why most people are not fond of this variety.

3. Shape – The beans have different shapes when not crushed. Arabica beans or a bit flat and elongated more of an oval shape. while Robusta beans on the other hand are round a bit shorter and have a less pronounced center crease. The shapes can give you the differences between these two varieties just at a glance.

4. Where they‘re grown – Arabica is grown mainly in Latin America continues. It’s also grown in some African countries. While Robusta has grown and some Latin Countries as well and some parts of Africa.

5. Price – These two coffee varieties do differ when it comes to price. When we take a look at the green beans of Arabica and green beans of Robusta the two vary greatly. the green beans of Arabica cost twice as much as the bean of Robusta. This is due to demand.

6. Plant Height – Arabica is not a tall breed, it grows to a height of about 2.5 to 4.5 meters, Robusta is different from Arabica its plant height is about 4.5 to 6.5 meters.

7. Quality – Arabica coffee has high quality when compared to Robusta. But this does not mean that Robusta is a low-quality coffee variety.

Coffee has been known for its many benefits. But not all coffee varieties are good. This post highlighted some of the best coffee varieties and their differences. So this information can be very important to you when selecting what type of coffee you may want.

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